
  • Collaboration: Theory vs Action

    Collaboration: Theory vs Action

    In my 10 years being a yoga teacher I have been on countless trainings, it’s part of the yoga culture of self development, it’s pretty addictive. In the years that I’ve taken a step back from this world I realised that these products play on two things; a feeling of never being or knowing quite…

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  • The power and importance of human connection in reaching our goals

    The power and importance of human connection in reaching our goals

    In this time of possibility, when anyone can launch a business from home in their PJ’s, with absolute freedom, we paradoxically see entrepreneurs struggling to make their business sustainable, to realise the vision, are working long hours and the dream has turned into worry and burnout.  Images for entrepreneurs (we searched a lot of these…

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  • Why you don’t need to work alone or employ someone to grow your business.

    Why you don’t need to work alone or employ someone to grow your business.

    It’s competitive our there. Now more than ever people are making business ideas a reality, jumping on opportunities, making use of the tech and working remotely. If you want to grow you need your business to be agile. You need to be ready to respond, to take the opportunity, to try something new, quickly and…

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