It’s competitive our there. Now more than ever people are making business ideas a reality, jumping on opportunities, making use of the tech and working remotely. If you want to grow you need your business to be agile. You need to be ready to respond, to take the opportunity, to try something new, quickly and without overcommitment. For new businesses, soloprenuers working at capacity or businesses with small or streamlined teams, we can end up being fragile, not agile. This is just one example of where the ‘Fractional Leader’ can help, and is why it’s becoming a more common.
What is Fractional Work?
Fractional workers are essentially freelance experts. They work for you and your business for a fraction of their time. But unlike the typical freelancer who feels outside of the business, the fractional leader gets to know the business, gets more involved and takes responsibility. Like becoming a very small part of your team, with a very specific job to do.
A fractional leader is often enlisted to make necessary changes, implement effective strategies and processes, and set foundations for the future.
Fractional leadership is often something discussed in the world of BIG business, where it’s discussed as someone ‘on the board’, but small and medium business owners can benefit from this work too, in fact could benefit more!
Fractional Leadership has inspired the way we created our Office Hours approach. We work fractionally, as part of your team.
How Fractional Leadership can help you
- The most common reason a company hires ‘fractionally’ rather than getting stuck into employment is it makes financial sense. You will be in total control of how much you can afford. And the right person will help you understand what can be achieved in that time/budget.
- They are there to get the job done. They focus narrowly on key projects instead of getting sucked into day-to-day distractions or politics.
- You already have the expertise in-house in your industry, so Fractional Leaders offer expertise in something like sales, marketing, leadership, or transformation where you may have a skill gap.
- It takes far less time than recruiting, so they can step in almost immediately and quickly start making an impact. Positive change is the KPI they live by.
- Fractional leaders arrive refreshed and ready to leave a lasting mark. It doesn’t make sense to expect the same old team to achieve different results, which is why it pays to bring in the fresh eyes of outsiders.
Why not schedule a call with us and see how we could help you!
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